Author Archives: spiralmode

From One Family to Another. Martinez Bail Bond Store is Here to Help

As a family owned and operated company, Martinez Bail Bond Store in Los Angeles fully understands the value of family. Nothing makes us sadder than seeing loved ones torn over legal issues and jail. Nothing makes us happier than uniting these two parties once again. When a family member is arrested, there will be stress, […]

How to Tell Your Parents You’re in Trouble

Admitting to someone, especially parents, that you’re in trouble can be terrifying, absolutely terrifying. But not telling them you need help is worse, as they are the people who can help you the most and offer you the most support. Parents never give up on their children – your parents will not give up on […]

Live by The Vows You Promised Your Partner

When a bond of love is honest, true, and strong, nothing will be able to break apart the two who promised to support and be each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” This wedding vow might easily be said, but harder done when the lower end of […]

Lafayette Bail Bond Store can help show you what Valentine’s Day is all about

No longer is Valentine’s Day simply about showing love and affection for your partner. Siblings, parents, children, friends – you can show your appreciation for all! They have invested in you, and now it’s time you invest in them – lend your support if they ask you to help bail them out of jail. It’s […]

You’re not that bad person that got you into trouble.

Our actions are not always an accurate representation of ourselves. Getting a C on an exam doesn’t mean you’re not smart. Falling while biking doesn’t mean you can’t bike. Getting pulled over for speeding doesn’t mean you’re an awful driver. Roughhousing doesn’t mean you’re a violent person. Sometimes though, we get a little ahead and […]

Is it bad to have a public defender versus a private attorney?

In the instance you or someone you know is in need of a defense attorney, the options are having a public defender or a private attorney. Here’s what to expect from each: Public defenders are assigned to clients, so you will not get to choose your public defender. They work on multiple cases at the […]

Our clients come first

Walnut Creek Bail Bond Store is one of California’s most successful and sincere bail bond companies. It’s no wonder why, after 27 years, the company continues to please client after client. While, yes it is unfortunate to bring in so many clients upset with this sudden situation they landed in, they all find confidence after […]

What you need is reliable, no nonsense help – and Brentwood Bail Bond Store can give you that

Bailing someone out of jail is serious. There is no room for jokes, errors, or any further misjudgment. You want your friend or family member to get out of jail as soon as possible, but you also need to understand the steps to do so, and what to expect between now and the very end […]

How quickly can I get my loved one home?

What happens when someone is arrested on a bailable offense is that they can appear before a judge within 3 days of their arrest. However, if they post the entire bail in cash at the jail, or have someone on their behalf do so, they do not have to see the judge. The defendant then […]

What is the purpose of bail?

As the US Constitution grants, every person is innocent until proven guilty. Incarcerating a person for days, weeks, months, even a year or two, until his or her hearing is unlawful, which is why bail exists to protect and uphold this right of living free (though perhaps with some restrictions) until that hearing date. Bail […]