Category Archives: Modesto Bail Bonds

Is Being Homeless A Crime In California?


In theory, California isn’t a bad place to be homeless. Sure, the high cost of living makes it difficult to get back on your feet, but at least the weather is nice all year round, so if you have to sleep outside a few nights a week, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Wrong! California […]

What Happens If You Give A Police Officer False Information


It doesn’t matter if you’re pulled over for a routine traffic violation or if the police knock on your front door and ask to talk to you, there’s something about face-to-face interactions that causes most of us to panic. This panic can result in us making some bad choices. A perfect example of this is […]

Consequences Of Ignoring A Jury Summons


The idea of a jury sounds like a great aspect of democracy right up to the point when you get a jury summons. It’s perfectly natural to wonder what would happen if you choose to ignore the letter telling you that you need to report to the courthouse and be considered for jury duty. While […]

The Real Cost Of A DUI Charge


Most people out there recognize the fact that driving while drunk is a very bad idea. While a person is drunk, their mind isn’t what it normally is, meaning they are more likely to make costly mistakes. This is why it is illegal to drive while drunk all over the country. Here in California, the […]

What Is Exoneration In California?


Did you know that California leads the nation in exonerations? According to the National Registry of Exonerations, 120 people have been exonerated in California. Additional research reveals that in the past 30 years, California courts have dealt with over 200 wrongful conviction cases. It’s estimated that the amount of time the wrongfully convicted served for […]

California’s Take On Arson


Many people are surprised by how many arson cases occur in California during a single year. It’s one of the state’s most common felonies. It’s likely that the main reason so many people are surprised by the high number of arson cases the California courts deal with each year is that they tend to think […]

The Impact Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On Crime Rates


Whenever you turn to your preferred source of news, you’re likely slammed with information about the toll COVID-19 is taking on healthcare and the economy. Everyone is happy to share information about how overrun the hospitals are, how people’s mental health is suffering, and how the economy will never recover. What hasn’t been talked about […]

The Truth About Unemployment Fraud


Unemployment fraud in California is hardly a new concept, but the pandemic has pushed it to new heights which have resulted in it overwhelming an already strained system. What Is Unemployment Fraud In California? The term unemployment fraud refers to the act of collecting unemployment benefits that you don’t really deserve. Common examples of unemployment […]

The Truth About Doxing


While it’s possible you’ve never heard the term doxing, you’ve likely seen examples of it. Doxing, which is a shortened version of dropping dox, refers to starting an online attack. It goes further than simply getting into a virtual argument with someone. If you’ve been involved in doxing personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, […]

How To Respond To An Employee Arrest


You’re normally reliable employee failed to show up for their regular shift. Concerned, you make a few calls and learn that they were arrested. Now you have to figure out what you should do. Remain Calm It’s easy to get angry about the fact that you’re not only now down an employee for the day, […]