Tag Archives: discount bail bonds in modesto

The Truth About Carpool Cheating


The rules seem simple enough. If you are the only person in your vehicle, you must stick to a certain lane of traffic. If you’re carrying multiple people in your car, you’re free to use the carpool lane which typically travels at a significantly faster speed. The system is designed to encourage people to carpool […]

The Truth About Unemployment Fraud


Unemployment fraud in California is hardly a new concept, but the pandemic has pushed it to new heights which have resulted in it overwhelming an already strained system. What Is Unemployment Fraud In California? The term unemployment fraud refers to the act of collecting unemployment benefits that you don’t really deserve. Common examples of unemployment […]

Understanding Assault With A Deadly Weapon


Assault with a deadly weapon is basically what it sounds like. It means you are accused of assaulting someone and at the time you had something that could have been considered a deadly weapon. Like most legal issues, assault with a deadly weapon isn’t as simple as we would like it to be. What Is […]

Think Twice Before Making A Prank Call


When you’re the person making prank calls, it is a lot of fun, but you should know that each time you make one of those calls, you’re breaking California’s Penal Code 653m PC. This code also includes prank text messages and emails. The problem with prank calls is that while you’re having a great time, […]

The Difference Between Manslaughter And Involuntary Manslaughter


From a legal standpoint, manslaughter is, “the unlawful killing of a human being without any malice aforethought.” What that means is that something you did resulted in the death of someone else. What separates it from other types of murder charges is that you didn’t actively think you were going to do something that would […]

What Happens If I’m Caught Giving Alcohol To A Minor

Modesto Bail Bonds

It’s no secret that most people drink alcohol before they turn 21. But that doesn’t mean the police just let every person slide. There are serious consequences to those who supply alcohol to minors, and this can definitely include parents, depending on the state law (some states allow minors to drink as long as they’re […]