Author Archives: spiralmode

Different Types Of Pleas In California

Different Types Of Pleas In California

Shortly after you’ve been formally arrested and charged with a crime, you’ll have an arraignment. The arraignment is your first opportunity to tell a judge how you plead. At a California arraignment, there are three different ways you can plea: Guilty Not guilty No-contest Guilty A plea of guilty should be self-explanatory. When you tell […]

House Arrest In California

House Arrest In California

Going to jail isn’t any fun. It’s something everyone tries to avoid, which is why so many people hope that the judge handling their case will agree to house arrest rather than a jail sentence. Not everyone is eligible for house arrest in California, especially if the house arrest is being used instead of an […]

What Police Look For When Searching For Drunk Drivers In CA

What Police Look For When Searching For Drunk Drivers In CA

Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver […]

Current Cell Phone Scams

Current Cell Phone Scams

It seems like this is the time of year when your cell phone never stops ringing. Most of the calls likely come from friends and family members who either want to catch up or who are hoping to finalize holiday plans. Other calls are probably simply Robo callers that signify a sales call. The challenge […]

Parental Kidnapping

Parental Kidnapping

Most people worry about the possibility of their child being kidnapped from the park or shopping mall. While these things do happen, most kidnapping cases don’t involve strangers but are actually parental kidnappings. According to Safe, at Last, more than 90% of all reported kidnappings are the result of parental kidnapping. The U.S. Department of […]

About Aiding And Abetting

About Aiding And Abetting

It seems like the words aiding and abetting are constantly linked together, which makes most people assume that they go together. The truth is that while, legally speaking, aiding and abetting are quite similar, they aren’t the same thing and can be two separate charges. When you are charged with aiding a crime, the police […]

Possessing Deceptive Identification Papers In California

Possessing Deceptive Identification Papers In California

We all go through phases when we can’t help but wish we were someone else. This usually happens when we have a bad day and wish we’d made different life choices. Normally the mood passes and we get on with our life. The problem is that some people take things too far and will go […]

Drunk Driving In A Borrowed Car

Drunk Driving In A Borrowed Car

Drunk driving is always bad, but getting caught driving while under the influence of alcohol while using a friend’s car, things become even more complicated. If you were simply pulled over, the issues associated with the fact you were in a friend’s car may be minimal. The biggest headache is that the car will likely […]

Tips For Earning A Little Extra Money This Holiday Season

Tips For Earning A Little Extra Money This Holiday Season

Times are tough right now. We could all use a little extra income, especially during the holidays. The good news is that now is a great time to explore the possibility of a side hustle that will put some extra money in your pocket. Consider Drive Share Programs If you like to drive and have […]

The Most Common Crimes That Occur During The Holidays

The Most Common Crimes That Occur During The Holidays

Most of us associate the holidays with happiness, family and love. While many of us focus on the good things during the holiday season, police departments throughout the United States will quickly tell you that crime doesn’t stop during the holidays. What members of law enforcement have noticed is that certain types of crimes seem […]