Tag Archives: ceres bail bonds

Bail Bonds Are More Reasonable Than Cash Bail

Ceres Bail Bonds

Paying for cash bail is more often than not a financial struggle. It requires paying the entire bail amount thousands of dollars before being physically released from jail. That is an unimaginable solution to many people. Paying for a bail bond is much more reasonable to the majority of people who are arrested and their […]

Remain Calm If You Approach A DUI Checkpoint

Ceres Bail Bonds

Over the 4th of July weekend, you will probably notice an influx of traffic checkpoints. This is because it is a holiday weekend. There will be many travelers, and there will be a lot of partying. Your friends have told you about their checkpoint experiences and have even warned others on social media about where […]

Factors Determining Bail

California judges have what is called a bail schedule, which they follow whenever they are required to determine the amount of bail for a defendant. For the record, all states have different bail schedule. The bail schedule is reviewed and modified as necessary yearly. Besides following the bail schedule, the judge will also consider the […]

You’re Not Invincible From Jail

You’re young and like to have a lot of fun. You like to party, drink, hang with friends, stay out late, and act as if you are invincible. But, everyone does, and not everyone has the best outcome. Many people just like you find themselves arrested and thrown in jail for offenses related to alcohol […]

The Rights Of Arrested Individuals

Just because someone commits a crime, gets caught and gets arrested doesn’t mean they lose all their rights and become defenseless. Arrested individuals earn some rights to protect themselves during this time, especially when they are most vulnerable to the police. Two of the greatest rights an arrested individual has is: The right to remain […]

Show Your Loved One That You Care About Him or Her by Bailing Him or Her Out of Jail

If you were to get arrested right now, would you not want your loved ones to bail you out? Of course you would. No one wants to stay in jail, so if you have a friend or family member who has been arrested, bail him or her out of jail today. Go to Ceres Bail […]

Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail with Ceres Bail Bond Store

If you somehow found yourself behind bars, would you not want someone to come to your rescue and bail you out of jail? Imagine if someone you cared about had found him or herself in jail, would he or she not feel the same way? Help your loved one get out of jail by talking […]

Rescue Someone You Love from Jail with Ceres Bail Bond Store

Do not make someone you care about sit in a jail cell, bail him or her out today with Ceres Bail Bond Store. We will help you rescue your friend or family member from jail quickly and we will make the entire bail process easier for you. We have been helping Californians rescue their loved […]

Bailing Your VIP Out Of Jail Is Easy with Ceres Bail Bond Store

Life can be going well and you can feel great, then you get the news; your friend or family member has been arrested. Discovering that a loved one has been placed behind bars can been troubling and worrisome. You will want to do whatever you can to help out the important person in your life, […]

You Get Honest Answers From Ceres Bail Bond Store

When someone you care about has been arrested, you will want to get him out of jail as quickly as you can. A lot of bail companies out there will claim to be able to get your loved one out of jail in a certain time, but they fail to mention that time is added […]