Tag Archives: modesto inmates location

You’ve Finally Graduated – Don’t Forget To Be Smart!


It seems like you’ve been waiting your whole life to finish school. Many people consider the summer between high school and the time when they start college (or trade school, or simply start working full time) to be one of the most exciting and fun times of their life. While it’s okay to have fun […]

What Is A Plea Bargain?


Considering how many people are arrested each year in California, there are surprisingly few criminal trials. There are usually two reasons a case doesn’t go to trial. The first is because the charges were dropped, either due to lack of evidence or because the person who filed the charges changed their mind. The second reason […]

Catching Police Officers On Film


Videos of police officers behaving badly have a history of going viral. This sheds a bad light on police officers throughout the entire state of California. Isn’t it interesting how videos of police officers doing good things never seem to make it onto the internet? If you plan on filming a police officer there are […]

Flipping Cars In California


Flipping cars is not a new concept, people have been doing it for decades, but it is only recently that the practice has attracted a great deal of media and legal attention. What is Flipping Cars? Flipping cars is the practice of purchasing a vehicle and promptly listing it for sale, at a higher price, […]

Understanding Statute Of Limitations In California


Statute of limitations is a term that gets thrown around a lot on legal shows but not everyone fully understands what they are. The truth is that the statute of limitations is a very important legal term that addresses whether or not you can be charged for an old crime. The problem is that different […]

California’s Attitude Towards Hit And Run Accidents


When it comes to hit and run accidents, California’s lawmakers don’t have a sense of humor. They created laws that deal with hit and run accidents that simply involve property damage, and for hit and run accidents that resulted in someone getting hurt. If you’re charged with a hit and run, you must understand the […]

Riding A Moped In California


Mopeds are a great source of transportation, especially for doing things like commuting to work when you live in the city. They are small enough to be easily stored, even in areas where parking a regular car or motorcycle is difficult. They sip fuel. And they are easy to handle. Many people have found that […]

How To Get Free Legal Assistance In California


Nearly everyone has a point in their life where they need some sort of legal advice. If you’re lucky, you have enough money that you can pay a lawyer for their time. Sadly, not everyone is in this position. The good news is that whether you need answers to a few legal questions involving how […]

Abandoned Cars In California


California law states that any vehicle which has been left unattended, standing, parked upon or within 10 feet of the traveled portion of the highway for more than 48 hours, or a vehicle left standing or parked on private property more than 24 hours or upon other public property for more than 30 days, is […]

The 3 Levels Of Crimes


When it comes to getting in trouble with the law, there are three levels of offense. Crimes are spread across these three levels, which is why different crimes earn a person different severities of punishment. The three different levels are: Infractions Misdemeanors Felonies Every crime that you can think of can be placed into one […]