Tag Archives: modesto no collateral needed bail bonds

Understanding The Statute Of Limitations

A statute of limitations is the time frame within which a person or party can file a lawsuit against another person or party for a crime. The time periods will vary depending on the crime that took place; the most heinous crimes like aggravated rape and murder have no statute of limitations. The clock for […]

What Does A Bail Bond Cosigner Do?

Applying for a bail bond means you need to meet a few qualifications. For one, whoever the bail bond is for needs to have actually been granted bail by the judge; sometimes the judge will deny bail, meaning that person cannot get a bail bond. Another qualification is the need for a cosigner, a person, […]

The Steps To Bail – Simplified

If you get a call and learn that your loved one has been arrested, try not to freak out too much, okay? Your loved one is doing plenty of that (rightfully so) and for them, you need to remain as collected as possible. Understandably, you may not immediately know what to expect and what you […]

Help, I Can’t Afford My Bail!

Bail is expensive and not many people can afford to pay it easily. Bail bonds are the more affordable alternative (at 10-15% of the bail cost) but even then, some people struggle trying to pay this and also make other ends meet. But, bail bonds don’t have to be paid off by only one person, […]

You Can Be The Role Model To Your Older Sibling

When you hear “age is nothing but a number,” you should really believe it. In the dating world, in the professional world and even within the family. A younger sibling won’t always have to be the more immature, irresponsible child in the family. He or she may in fact be the more well-rounded child, compared […]

The Pain Of Explaining Jail And Bail To Children

If you thought that explaining Santa isn’t real to your children was difficult, imagine having to explain to them that mommy or daddy was arrested and put in jail for doing something really bad, unable to come home for a certain number of hours or days. Young children in particular will not understand the concept […]

Don’t Give Up, Even If Your Loved One Has

When a loved one of yours is in jail, it can be very easy for them to give up on themselves. They’ve gotten themselves into a very tough situation and from behind bars, it’s hard to see any good coming in the near future. They’re angry, sad and feel defeated. So, it’s up to you […]