Category Archives: Ceres Bail Bonds

Modesto Bail Bond Store Answering Contact Sports

The NBA Finals are here and things are getting intense and even personal among fans. This beloved game gets fans anxious and excited, but they can easily get riled too. Basketball is quite the contact sport these days, but the contact should only remain among the players and never the fans. We are all too […]

How To Spend Summer In Jail

Spending time in jail is totally on your to-do list this summer, isn’t it? You can’t wait for your moment. Everything is so unexpected that it excites you and makes you nervous. Looking for the best, most memorable road to jail? Keep on reading! Drinking and Driving We all like to think we’re pretty invincible […]

You’re Not Invincible From Jail

You’re young and like to have a lot of fun. You like to party, drink, hang with friends, stay out late, and act as if you are invincible. But, everyone does, and not everyone has the best outcome. Many people just like you find themselves arrested and thrown in jail for offenses related to alcohol […]

3 Laws You Probably Have Broken Without Realizing It

Have you sung happy birthday recently or went on the internet while you’re at Starbucks? Well, if you have, you broke the law! Really! There are quite a few laws out there that you and millions of others (including cops), have probably broken, but didn’t realize it. Singing Happy Birthday in public could quickly turn […]

When The Cost Of A Music Festival Includes Bail

As the popularity of attending massive music festivals rises, so does the number of arrests, unfortunately. The most common offenses at music festivals are drug possession (most often ecstasy), public intoxication, and trespassing. Getting arrested for such violations at a music festival may be quite the bummer, but it should serve as a wake up […]

Cyberbullying And How It Relates To Modesto Bail Bond Store

Cyberbullying (intentionally posting personal information of and/or harassing another person by electronic communication like texts, emails and social media with the intent of causing fear) seems like a rather harmless crime but in California, it’s taken very seriously. Cyberbullying has led victims to harm themselves, commit suicide, or act out and harm others. Subject to […]

Trouble Is Not In Your Vacation Plans

Grab your sunblock and your bathing suits because it’s time to travel! It’s the perfect weather to hit the beach or the lake – or some pool party. Our yearning for sunshine fun began with Spring Break and it won’t stop until the Fall. We can’t wait! We have plans to travel to a specific […]

Understanding Background Checks

Whenever you apply for a job, a loan, a new home, even a gun, you’re probably going to undergo a background check. You may not give this too much thought, especially if you have a squeaky clean record, but it still might be good to know anyway, what shows up on a background check, and […]

Bail Is No Different For Celebrities

Everyone thinks that celebrities get special treatment and many times, it’s true. But in serious times, it’s not – celebrities get treated in just the same manner as every other person. And by serious times, we mean when they end up arrested. Yes, even celebrities get arrested for breaking the law and just like anyone […]

The Cost of Keeping A Person In Jail

Can you guess how much it costs to keep a person in a California prison? $64,000 That’s $64,000 per person. This cost covers housing, feeding, and caring for the prisoner. And even though California prison populations are slowly declining (yet still overcrowded), the costs aren’t going down. In fact, they’re going up. California also spends […]